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    4. Share with us your most update CV

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    What to expect moving forward

    Thank you! We appreciate your interest in IT Optimiser and we hope we will be able to work together. Us having the right position for you; it is all about timing. But rest assured we will reach out to you when we have a potential match. Don’t want to wait? Jump to our contact page and give us a call.

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    a IT Optimiser consultant

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      Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

      8. udgave af Danmarks Smukkeste SAP-Netværk coming up!

      Kom med til årets nok hyggeligste og smukkeste SAP-netværk

      Igen i år samler IT Optimiser sammen med SAP Danmark det smukkeste SAP-netværk til en halvdagsbriefing med masser af faglig indhold, netværk og ikke mindst muligheden for hyggeligt samvær i forbindelse med Smukfest 2024

      Masser af faglige inputs | Netværksmuligheder med både nuværende og tidligere SAP-kollegaer | Hyggeligt samvær og god musik i Bøgeskoven

      contact Image
      contact Image

      Fordele og faldgruber ved en Cloud Transformation & Gen AI

      De faglige emner og  indlæg bliver:

      • Fordele og faldgruber ved en Cloud transformation & Gen AI
      • Paneldebat med deltagelse af bl.a. Managing Director Mikkel Stavnsbo, SAP Danmark
      • Indlæg fra CIO Bent Ditlevesen, Søstrene Grene
      • Live podcast optagelse af: The Digital Edge” Værter: Strategy & Innovation Officer, SAP EMEA Jesper Schleimann & Chefredaktør hos Computerworld Lars Jacobsen
      • Tid til netværk og sparring, samt muligheden for hyggeligt samvær på fredagens Smukfest
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      I am interested

        1. Contact details

        1. Your current work status

        2. What is your area of interest:

        3. Share your area of specialization:

        4. Share with us your most update CV

        Browse file on your PC

        What to expect moving forward

        Thank you! We appreciate your interest in IT Optimiser and we hope we will be able to work together. Us having the right position for you; it is all about timing. But rest assured we will reach out to you when we have a potential match. Don’t want to wait? Jump to our contact page and give us a call.

        Book a call slot with
        a IT Optimiser consultant

          Your contact credentials

          Select a time

          You will get an email soon

          Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


          8:30 – 9:15 Registrering samt morgenbrød, kaffe og velkomst

          9:15 – 9:45 Velkomst, Partner Michael Hoe, IT Optimiser & Head of Business AI Jesper

          Schleimann SAP EMEA

          9:45 – 10:30 Ekspertpanelet: Managing Director Mikkel Stavnsbo SAP DK, CSO Line

          Krogh Vogdrup Søstrene Grene, Group CIO Ulrik Balling Hansen Ecco, VP

          & CIO Jonas Toft Olesen, Royal Unibrew

          10:30 – 10.45 Pause

          10:45 – 11:30 Præsentation. CIO Bent Ditlevsen, Søstrene Grene

          11.30 12.30 Podcast The Digital Edge – a podcast about leadership, strategy and

          business. Værter: Head of Business AI Jesper Schleimann SAP EMEA &

          Chefredaktør Lars Jacobsen, Computerworld + gæster

          12:30 – 12:35 Afrunding & Praktisk, IT Optimiser & SAP

          13:00 – 14:00 Helstegt pattegris & fadøl hos IT Optimiser

          14:00 – Vi følges ad til festivalen

          18:00– Vi mødes til fællesskål på festivalpladsen


          Fredag den 9. august 2024

          IT Optimiser
Adelgade 35A
8660 Skanderborg

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